Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy Bees

This weekend was action packed and filled with family (aka Grandma Jackie) and friends (aka The Lard Family). We accomplished a lot in a short time thanks to Grandma's help and then we kicked back and relaxed today enjoying pizza on the grill with our friends. Our garden is coming along and this weekend we enjoyed corn, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Mom picked some of the carrots too, and although itty bitty, they sure were tasty! Our pumpkins are growing too and should be ready in time for Halloween! Only one week of summer fun left and then we begin on a whole new adventure here in our!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Grandma Jackie hopes Molly brought those cookies....there weren't any in the house when Grandma was there!!!! AND Grandma forgot to bring any tomatoes home with her! But it was a fun week watching Ryan and Lily in action!