Friday, July 9, 2010

The Raisin vs. The Rhinoceros

My exact words were "Mom, I have a bean in my nose." From the reaction on Mom's face I figured out pretty fast that I probably shouldn't have stuck a raisin up my nose. Mom tried to calm me down, but after her initial reaction I was pretty freaked out. At first, I don't think she believed me, but after shining a flashlight up my nose, sure enough there it was. She tried to tweeze it out, no luck; she tried to suction it out, no luck; she tried to make me blow it out, no luck; she called Grandma Jackie, no luck. After awhile, Lily started telling Mom that she had a raisin up her nose just so she would leave me alone. Only problem was Lily forgot that Mom didn't give her any raisins. Mom kept trying to get me to settle down, but she wasn't making any progress in that department either. After about 20 minutes, I finally settled down enough for Mom to give it one last shot. She kind of forcefully rubbed downward on my nose and that, along with all of the snot that was coming out, made the raisin fall out. Good thing too, or I would have been back in the ER. Afterwards Mom did a little research on the Internet to see what else she could have done. Just in case you ever get stuck in this predicament, here is a little trick hospitals use (caution - this isn't guaranteed to work):
*use a finger to plug the unobstructed nostril
*have child open mouth
* place your mouth over child's
*blow a quick, forceful puff of air into your child's mouth
*the raisin should come flying out!!!
I would recommend just not shoving a raisin up your nose to begin with, but in the case it happens now you can be prepared. When all was said and done, Mom lectured me again on how my mouth was the only hole I could put food into. She has told me this a thousand times before, and I guess for good reason. Lesson learned here in our world!

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