Friday, July 23, 2010

Pomatoes and Strawberries

This summer we decided to dabble in a little gardening with the hopes of having a full fledged garden by next summer. Mom let us each pick out a plant and of course we each chose our favorite food...strawberries for me and pomatoes for Lily. Mom keeps telling us they are tomatoes, but after messing with her for so long I think we are starting to believe they are actually called pomatoes. We've been snacking on strawberries for some time now thanks to quick blooms from ours and Gigi kindly donating her plant to us, but the pomatoes took until today to grace us with their presence. Only two of them were ready, but last time I checked there are only two of us so this was fine by me. Neither of us hesitated to take a big bite out of our pomato and all we have to say is WOW! We have quite the green thumbs here in our world!

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