Friday, March 12, 2010


I've decided it is my turn to talk since that is what I do best!  I know this picture was posted previously, but now that it is what I would call beautiful, I think it deserves a second posting.  I'm not sure what I like more, the fact that Wrigley is in it, or the fact that the only color you see is pink and that is my favorite color.  It is a tough decison, but I'm going with Wrigley!  I could devote pages and pages to my Wrigs (that is what I most often refer to him as).  After Mom, Wrigley is my dog.  I tell him daily that I love him, and I'm always throwing his bunny or tennis ball because I know he loves to play catch.  Notice it isn't fetch...he won't drop for me even though I repeatedly say drop in my meanest voice.  I always have to get Mom to say drop before he will give up his toy, but I'm convinced that someday he will learn.  Wrigs is great for cuddling with, giving high fives to, and for licking my fingers after I eat (even though Mom says that might make him sick).  Every time we leave the house, as we drive away, I yell "Goodbye Wrigs".  I want him to know that I'll miss him, but that we'll be back soon.  Wrigley has been sick on and off over the last few months...all of it weird and unexplained.  Mommy has dragged us along on some of his doctor visits, and whenever he gets meds I stand right by him and tell him it's okay.  The doctors can't seem to figure out what is going on, and luckily he hasn't gotten any worse over the last three months.  I'm praying he stays the same old Wrigs for a long time because I'm not ready to stop driving him nuts just yet.    

1 comment:

Grandma Jackie said...

Can you copy and print this picture? I think it belongs in your pictures around the house...if you can do it, Grandma would like a copy too...this one is a to Charlie's friend Ashley for the great job she did editing it!