Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our New Kitchen

Today is our last day home alone with mommy, and we made our weekly trip to Wal-Mart this morning for a few necessities, and a few not so necessary items as well. Mom has been looking at this kitchen for months now since we love anything interactive, and Wal-Mart had it on clearance today so mom took the bait. She told us it is because we've been so good while dad's been away...we say that works for us mom! Mom even set it up for us when we got home so we could play with it right away. Lily's favorite part is the fridge. My favorite part is the light, and I thought maybe I could wash my stinky feet in the sink, but I guess I'm a little too big. Oh well!

1 comment:

The Krukowski Family said...

Wow! Gracie really likes your kitchen. So in honor of you playing with your kitchen, she decided to take flour into the living room and pretend she was playing in her kitchen.

Also, Mommy is DYING to know the surprise. Please tell us sooner than later!