Saturday, May 5, 2012

Boy Oh Boy

Another life lesson was learned today, and although it was hard to understand at first, we came to realize that it all worked out okay. I attended my first school birthday party for my friend, Ryan S. It was a boys' only party so Lily didn't get invited. We were both a bit confused at first, but we both got over it rather quickly and surprisingly well. Mom and I ended up having a blast at Jumping Country and Lily and Daddy enjoyed a morning of a little bit of work at the clinic and a little bit of play at Betty Brinn Children's Museum. Being that it was my first school birthday party I had to take it all in and enjoy every moment. I'm not sure what was the best part though, jumping on all of the inflatables or eating every last drop of my ice cream. All of the parents were so impressed that I ate all of my pizza and finished my ice cream, but Mom never doubted me. After today I'm ready for another birthday party, and Lily can't wait for a girls' only party (preferably something that involves princesses or nail polish).

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