Monday, December 22, 2008


I have regained the lead. It is now 8-6. Today while hanging upside down, mom noticed some new teeth in my mouth. 1-2-3...that's right three new teeth. I guess that explains the grumpiness.

1 comment:

The Krukowski Family said...

This is so interesting to me. Where are her teeth? From the picture it looks like she has the top 2 and bottom 2 and then I can't see anymore. Are they in the back? Gracie has the top 2 and bottom 2 and then 3 random ones in the back (2 top and 1 bottom). I might be an idiot, but I always thought they came in order. I was shocked to reach in and feel those little pebbles in the back. Poor babies. I'm glad she won't remember these aches and pains.