Thursday, August 23, 2018

Max Runs the World

When you are almost two you pretty much run the show! You make your own breakfast, sleep in your  new snow boots, and just chill as you enjoy life! Maxwell has taken full advantage of year two and has quite the personality. He is saying more and more with some two and three word utterances sneaking out (open it, there it is, sit mama). He climbs EVERYTHING and has no fear of heights. He has decided sleeping at night isn't cool anymore and he will climb out of his crib if you don't get him fast enough...which is every time. He is wearing mainly size 2T, although 3T shirts have made it into the rotation. He is taking interest in the potty, but only when HE wants to. His favorites are Mickey Mouse, Thomas the Train, cooking, bubbles, coloring, and being outside.  He is the goofiest two year old ever constantly making us laugh (even when we are not supposed to). He is also relentless and loves to tickle your toes every chance he gets and will not stop no matter how many time you say no! The dynamic he brings to our home has forever changed us and we are excited to see where it will lead us!!!

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