Wednesday, August 1, 2018

23 Months

Mom and Lily weren't around on Sunday when Maxwell turned 23 Months so we are a few days late in posting the big day. It is crazy to think that Max is almost two! He is saying more and more words everyday and getting into more and more trouble too. He has no fear and will try just about anything all by himself. All of his bumps and bruises are a good testament to this. He now sits alone in the barber chair, climbing right up as if it was never a big deal. Our once good sleeper had a rough month and is now waking frequently at night and crying without end. He eventually goes back down, but then wakes again a few more times each night. He continues to love the outdoors, as well as cars, Mickey Mouse, and his Thomas the Train set. He is growing in so many ways and two is just around the corner!

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