Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had five days off from school for the Thanksgiving holiday so we make sure to fill them with a few of our favorite and food!  Nothing beats spending the day with lots of cousins and pumpkin pie, and this was what Thanksgiving was all about this year.  The kids even took over the big screen TV to watch Brave, in between snacking on Doritos and playing on the iPads that is.  Good movie, in case your wondering, with only a few "scary" parts.  Nothing covering your ears can't fix though.

Saturday was reserved for birthday party #2.  Gigi found the best mint chocolate ice cream cake that Daddy just couldn't get enough of.  I had wanted Oreo's as well, and before I even noticed they magically appeared on the cake. Gigi just happened to have a package in the pantry so crisis averted!  We had fun hopping around with Marc all afternoon, and now we're officially ready to take on year number 5 here in our world!

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