Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mom's Birthday

Today was mommy's birthday and we were supposed to go out to dinner to celebrate, but we had fevers and were tired after getting our immunizations yesterday so we ordered in pizza instead. We were kind of excited because dad said he was ordering a giant chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top to surprise mom, and we were getting pears...yummy...something besides rice cereal and bananas. Well, as you can see from our faces, the pears didn't turn out to be that good after all. I warmed up to them after awhile, but Lily had to mix hers with some oatmeal to finish them. You can't say we didn't try though. We heard sweet potatoes are next. Hopefully we have better luck with those. Stay tuned to find out!

1 comment:

The Krukowski Family said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! You old geezer!! The babes are as cute as ever. Would love to get together and meet in person. I can't say I have a trip to Arizona planned for the near future though. Will you be en route to GB via Chicago and passing through Mke anytime?