Thursday, April 26, 2018

Counting down on Nineteen Months

19 months has been pretty exciting around here. Maxwell is saying more and more with his new favorite words being banana and apple. He will imitate most anything now though to the best of his ability and gets his point across just fine. He loves "calling dada" whenever he can, although when he actually gets him on the phone he just smiles and refuses to talk to him. He can navigate an iPad like no other, and loves the movies Moana and Coco. He gets out his plate and cup each morning and immediately opens the freezer to pull out what he wants for breakfast. He even climbs into his own booster now and eats with us at the table. Aside from heating up the food (which he could probably do if he could reach the microwave), we're pretty sure he could survive on his own. He is eating most everything now and has a good set of chompers to help him out. Two new teeth just popped up this week for a total of 16 now! He continues to amaze us and make us laugh each and every day!

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