Friday, February 24, 2012

Frosty Returns

Sometimes wishes do come true! We've been wishing for some good old snowman building snow all winter, and last night our wish came true, six inches of true as a matter of fact. We headed outside first chance we got and dove head first into anything and everything winter. We shoveled a bit with Mom, went sledding on our hill (and decided we're ready to try out a real hill now), cleaned off our swing set, and then we built HIM! Frosty promised he'd return again, and although he came back a bit smaller this year, he looks as great as ever. He even got a new eyes, nose, hat, and buttons thanks to Grandma Jackie. We found a great mouth and arms for him in the woods, and Wrigley only tore his arm off once this year which is an improvement over last year. We're hoping Frosty survives the weekend since we heard it is supposed to warm up. At least we know he keeps his promises so he'll be back again some day!!!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Mom should be writing children's books! She is good! But it's a pretty small hat for such a big snowman....Grandma will have to shop for a bigger hat.