16 month olds are busy little dudes! We are go, go, go from sun up until sun down (minus the two naps a day Max still takes). Max is learning so much and showing off his skills continuously. He can now climb up on chairs, put on his own hat (or Mom's), take selfies, and he is saying more and more words all the time including up, Mama, Dada, Ryan, Lily, doggie, drop, and yeah just to name a few. He has also perfected "yes" and "no" with a very vigorous shake of his head. He still loves his bottle, although he has been spotted drinking from a sippy cup. He is able play fairly independently and is often found cooking on his grill or with a bowl and spoon mixing up who knows what. His tool box is a favorite too! He loves Curious George, The Wiggles, and Mickey Mouse. He also loves stuffed animals and can be found carrying one around quite frequently. He enjoys climbing up and into things, and will try to fit his little body into the craziest spaces. He kisses Mama and Dada even when it is just their picture and he sleeps hard. After a slight setback over the holidays we are back on track with sleeping and are recording almost 12 hours every night. He adores water whether it be washing his hands or taking a bath. He probably should have been born a fish, and swim lessons are definitely in his near future. He understands almost everything you say to him and helps out around the house throwing out his own trash and letting Harley out of his kennel. Just ask and he is happy to oblige! He is a bundle of energy always ready to go, and we can't wait to see where he is going next!