Happy birthday to us! We are 3 months old today. What a month it has been. As you can see we have both grown quite a bit (refer to December 30th post). We are so big that we both can't fit in our chair anymore so I guess we'll have to learn to share. Lily has graduated from all newborn clothes and is officially in 0-3. I am currently in 0-3, but have started squeezing into some 3-6 month clothes. This is especially true for pants, but who knows where my long legs came from. Our big accomplishments for the month include smiling and sleeping in the crib. I think mom finally got to sleep in her bed too which is an accomplishment for her. Lily also rolled over in mid-January, but she is still having trouble getting that arm underneath her. She gets frustrated easily and gives up, but I bet she gets it soon. Mom and dad have taken us on a lot more field trips now that we are getting bigger too, and mom has even ventured out alone with us. We got to visit mom's schools and dad's clinics, we've been to a few malls, and out to dinner. We even made it to Target and Babies "R" Us which seem to be staples in mom and dad's life. Although we went on many excursions this month and met a great deal of people, we are still excited about meeting more people. Hopefully we be able to do that as we continue on our adventure we call life. See you soon!!!