Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

Daddy started off his weekend by playing golf on Saturday so we hung out with Wrigley and mom, and when dad got home we enjoyed a cool drink with him. We also practiced our new trick that we learned last week...saying "dada". Daddy loves it when we say that.

Since dad hadn't seen us all day he decided we would get in some good quality play time together before dinner. Who knew Lily loved maracas so much!?!

Then on Sunday Uncle Larry, Aunt Pam, Braden, Uncle Mark, Aunt Melinda, and baby-to-be Kyger came over to swim. Even though we have a big pool, dad bought us a kiddie pool since he thought we might have fun just splashing around. I'd say we had fun, and Wrigley even joined us so he could cool off. Little did we know Wrigley had a pool just like ours when he was a baby so he knew just what to do. Mommy told us we're not allowed to dunk our heads or drink the water though. Wonder why???

1 comment:

Shane Krukowski said...

Happy Father's Day Luis!

Ryan and Lilly sure are so cute!