Saturday, December 16, 2017

We LOVE snow!

We're pretty sure that we are filled with Midwestern blood (even though two of us were born in Arizona) because we LOVE snow! We could literally play all day and all night in it, and it would never get old. Our yard makes it pretty fun too because it comes equipped with built in snow hills, and the plow always piles the snow a mile high at the end of our driveway which makes for some mean king of the hill games and awesome tunnels! Max is old enough to get in on all of the action this year too with sledding being a new favorite. He of course thinks his cozy coupe is AWD too, and insists on being pushed around in it even though the snow makes it near impossible to move. He is a champion too letting us bundle him up in snow gear galore. He is so puffy he can barely walk so we resorted to hauling him around in the sled, to which he happily obliged. Today was a perfect day too because the snow was perfect packing snow so Lily and I each built a snowman this year all on our own! It is pretty fair to say that all we want for Christmas is more snow (and maybe a few other things)!!!

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