Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lily's One Year Check-Up

Today we went for my one year check-up. I couldn't go last week since I was in the hospital so today was my lucky day. The doctor said I am looking good. I still have a cold with quite a productive cough, but he said I'm well enough to stop using my nebulizer. I'm a little bummed about that, but I got over it pretty quick once Dr. Mike said he was going to wait on my immunizations. Yippee, I got out of shots again! I do have some fluid in my ears, but no infection so mom and dad just have to keep an eye on me. Well, I'm sure you're all dying to know my stats by now so here they are:
Height: 30 inches (71%)
Weight: 20 pounds 10 ounces (38%)
Ryan stole the show today though. Dr. Mike did a quick check on him to see if he was healthy enough for immunizations, and ta-da, a double ear infection. It stinks that he is sick, but at least it explains why he has been such a grouchy rhino lately. Now he has to take yummy flavored medicine for the next 10 days, and he got out of shots too! I overheard Dr. Mike say we had to come back in two weeks though, and if all looked good we would get our immunizations then...YIKES!

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