We headed up north for what was predicted to be a cool, rainy weekend. Boy, were they wrong. It was sunny and beautiful, and full of adventure of course! We broke out the Mickey Mouse and Disney Princess poles almost immediately and caught quite a few fish. I was real keen on eating them all on day 1, but by day 2 I was all about catch and release. Grandpa Wayne would have been proud of me as I pulled in a bunch of Bluegills, a Northern, and a Bass. Lily caught her fair share of Bluegills as well. When asked how big our fish were, Lily was honest, but I learned quickly to make them about 6 inches longer than they actually were. Mom explained that when fishing it is sometimes okay to lie. We made our standard journey to the candy store picking up some yummy lollipops. We also managed to explore every square inch of the cottage and surrounding woods. We found a great balance beam out back, and used paper towel rolls as telescopes. We were also loving the dandelions, and now that we've blown the tops off of all 500 of them we can't wait to see how many there will be when we head back up in a few weeks. Another great trip in the books here in our world!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Few and Far Between
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bun Bun
You may call it a security blanket, a lovey, or a blankey...I affectionately call mine Bun Bun. Shortly after turning one I felt it necessary to take my bunny everywhere. I've had him since birth, but it took me a little over 12 months to realize just how special he is. Over the past two years I've weaned myself to nap time, bed time, and a few special occasions. It used to be quite traumatic when Mom would ask to wash Bun Bun, but I've learned that he needs baths just like the rest of us. Bun Bun has been left in stores (we obviously turned around to get him), flown on airplanes, and visited six states. He has lost a little fluff over the years, but he still feels good when I give him big hugs. I love my Bun Bun!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Seals and Sea Lions
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Birth-Mother's Day
Gardening 101
The weather is finally warming up a bit so we got out the tools and helped Dad start building our garden. We still have a ways to go, but we can already taste the carrots and tomatoes!