Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting Out Before the Storm

We are supposed to get 1-2 feet of snow in the next few days, which most likely means we will be going nowhere. We decided to head down to Illinois to visit our friends, Owen and Will, before it was too late. Hopefully we got enough sillies out to last us a few days!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's official...we are preschoolers! After open house at our new school today, Mom and Dad signed on the dotted line and made us preschoolers. We won't start school until this Fall, but we are so excited! We like our new teacher, Mrs. Otero, and we get to see her a few times before school starts at Bible class. We are feeling pretty good about this new adventure. We are just two crazy three year old kids growing up way too fast here in our world!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

NFC Championship Game

While Mom and Dad were at Soldier Field cheering on the Packers and the Bears respectively, we were holding down the fort with Grandma Jackie. Lily spent the first half on the couch since she was still feeling a little under the weather, but after a good nap and snack she was ready to cheer on the Packers. She tried to convince me to cheer for them too, but everyone knows that I say go Bears! Lily must have cheered harder than me in the end though, because the Packers won the game. I got over the loss pretty quick because we convinced Grandma to let us lay on the couch and wait for Mom and Dad to get home. We had to promise not to make a sound, which is tough, but we managed to remain silent for 30 minutes until Mom walked through the door...that's a victory in itself!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lily's First Movie

It isn't often we do something by ourselves that is blog worthy, but today, I did...I went to my first movie with Daddy. Since I am all about princesses he took me to see Tangled. I loved every minute of it and sat like a big girl through the entire movie. I was a good sister too and saved some of my popcorn to bring home for Ryan, which he of course gobbled up super fast. I made sure to tell Mommy all about my favorite character, the "mad momma", and I let Ryan know that Cars 2 is coming soon (we saw the preview).
Ryan managed to enjoy himself while I was gone too. He took advantage of the below zero temperatures, and convinced Mommy that he needed his own big, glass cup of hot chocolate to warm him up. Lucky Rhinoceros!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our Newest Little Buddy

We have a lot of friends whom we affectionately call "Little Buddy", but tonight we were able to meet up with our newest "Little Buddy", Emilio, for some yummy dinner. We love hanging out with him and checking out everything about him, especially his belly button. We are absolutely fascinated with belly buttons, and the fact that all daddy's give their babies them. Welcome to our world Emilio Kaiser!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Go Marquette!

We finally made it to our first Marquette game, and what a great game it was! Within minutes of arriving at the arena, we all made it on the big TV (aka Jumbotron). The focus was on Lily and her silly faces though. Apparently making faces is cool too, because when they panned over to the student section, a few students made the exact same face as Lily...she is such a trend setter! We enjoyed everything about the game from the popcorn to the falling parachutes with t-shirts. Daddy tried his best to catch one for me, but the mean man next to us got it instead. Lily loved the cheerleaders of course, and has now decided that she wants to be one when she is a big girl. We made it through the entire game, and cheered Marquette onto a big win against Notre Dame! We had so much fun, that Lily and I were making plans the entire way home for the next game Mom and Dad take us to. Go Marquette, Go-Go-Go-Go!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


We took the Gator outside today to try it out. With some quick lessons, and a lot of yelling by Mom and Dad to turn the wheel, we succeeded in getting it from the front door to the garage. We did run into a hill, a tree, and a fence along the way, but no major damage was done so we're all good. We're just crusin' along here in our world!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

An Illinois Christmas

Today we had our last holiday celebration at Gigi and Pop Pop's house in Illinois. We got a ton of presents again, with pajamas being the hot gift (I think we each got three pairs). Lily scored big with her pink Barbie car, and I have to admit Uncle Craig and I had a lot of fun playing with it too! We both got to touch Titi Molly's belly and say hi to Baby Marc. Only a few more months and he'll get to experience all of the fun here in our world!

The Outcome

Lily only made it until 10:30pm or so, and I tried my best, but only made it until 11:36pm. Mom let me sleep on my beanbag until midnight though so at least I can say I wasn't "in bed" until after the New Year!