Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Years Old

Happy birthday to us! We are two years old today, and wow what a great year it was. We have grown so much in the past year that I'm not sure we can fit all of the excitement into one post. We are on our way to Detroit, Michigan, as we speak for Daddy's friend's wedding. That makes six states we've visited in our short two years we've been in existence. As for the rest, if you haven't been blessed by our presence in a while, we'll fill you in on all of the details. We are talking up a storm. The doctor said to shoot for 2 word phrases by now and we blew him away and prefer to use 3-5 word sentences. You can understand Lily better than me, but trust me I get my point across. Our vocabulary is so big Mommy stopped counting the words a few months ago. Again we like to use big words like helicopter, microwave, and caterpillar. We can count to 20, although we both skip "16" a lot. It's not really an important number right now anyway. We can say our ABC's and we both know a few colors. Lily's favorites are pink, green, and brown; mine lean towards blue and red. We're also pretty good at shapes having mastered circle, star, triangle, heart, oval, and square. We're both enjoy coloring and love making circles. I still like to organize the crayons a little bit more than I like to color though. We can sing quite a few songs like the Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Farmer in the Dell, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We love entertaining Mommy in the car with our beautiful voices as I'm sure she would say. As for size, our official stats won't come out until November 11 when we go for our two year checkup, but I'm currently in a 2T or 3T depending on the outfit, and Lily is still hanging onto 18-24 month clothes and also fits into some 2T stuff. The length of pants is always a pain because I think we both were blessed with Mom's short legs. Other than that we are enjoying every minute and we can't wait to see what will happen this year. We love being two in our world!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Change Is A Good Thing

Before moving into our new home, Mom and Dad decided that for the first time ever, Lily and I would be separated, and we would each get our own bedroom. They painted our rooms for us and have slowly decorated them, but they are still a work in progress. We don't mind though and it has worked out fairly well so far. During the day we love playing in our rooms and we definitely know whose room is whose. The first night in the house Lily actually told mom she wanted to sleep in "Lily's room" not "Ryan's room". Good thing because I really didn't want to share my crib. We do question where the other is at times, but Mom always reassures us that we are both taking a nap or we are both going to bed. Sometimes I wonder though if Lily doesn't convince Mom or Dad to let her stay up late while I'm sleeping. One thing that didn't change upon our move was we both still slept in cribs. If you remember, I climbed out of my crib for the first time this past May, but Mom's glares and firm words kept me under control for the most part...until Monday. I just couldn't help myself anymore, and that night I climbed out and I did it again yesterday at nap and bedtime. Thus, if you look at the pictures you'll see I no longer have a crib. As of today, I now have a toddler bed, and let me tell you, if I would have known how much fun it is to jump on it I would have kept climbing out in May. Mom's goal was to make it until we turned two, and all I have to say is good trying mom, and you still have Lily in her crib. Toddler beds are cool in our world!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall in Wisconsin

Fall is a lot different in Wisconsin than it was in Arizona, but we knew just what to do when Mom raked some huge piles of leaves, throw, and jump! We also enjoyed filling up Dad's wheelbarrow and Lily loved climbing this crazy tree in our front yard. Mom tried to get me to climb it, but I'll admit it, I was a little scared. We found an apple that had dropped off of our apple tree so we hid it in the woods for the deer that come and visit. We hope they find it soon because we love watching them. The craziest thing happened too while we were outside. A bunch of kids dressed in costumes came up to us and asked for candy. Good thing Mom had some because the vampire didn't look very happy. I guess they celebrate Halloween a little early in our neck of the woods. We are loving fall in our world!

We're Almost 2!

Lily and I turn the big number 2 next Friday so we headed to Green Bay today to celebrate our birthdays. Our cousin, AJ, got to celebrate with us too since he turns eight on Wednesday. We thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the day from opening presents to eating cake and ice cream. I enjoyed the ice cream part so much so that I had three scoops before I called it quits. We received lots of cool presents and Grandma Jackie got Lily and me each two balloons and AJ eight balloons to remind us how old we are going to be. Great-Grandpa Williams was there too...can you imagine if Grandma Jackie had bought him 93 balloons for his birthday??? We're excited to turn two in our world!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

We have had a lot of rainy days since moving to Wisconsin, and today Mom found a way for us to get out of the house. This morning we went to a place called Generations at Play with our friend, Jack, and his mom. Imagine an entire store filled with toys that you can play with while your mom sits back with a cup of coffee and takes a break. Great, huh!?! We played for nearly two hours and we barely made a dent in the mounds of toys they had. We definitely have to go back soon, and I don't think Mom will object to that. Rainy days aren't all that bad in our world!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Verdict Is...

...unknown. Whatever it was I had, I am finally feeling better! I came down with a nasty fever last Friday night, and it finally broke late yesterday. I had no other symptoms, but after what was a long weekend for myself and Mom and Dad, I got to meet our new pediatrician, Dr. Hagerman, a little earlier than expected. Mom took me in Monday to find out that I may have Roseola or a bladder infection. After waiting it out to see if I developed a rash, I was back at the doctor's office on Wednesday with 104+ degree fever and no rash. I was tested for strep...negative, then I had to be catheterized to see if I had a bladder infection...negative. After all of that, Dr. Hagerman decided to give it a few more days to see if it was just a virus that needed to pass, and ding, ding, ding, looks like he may have been right. After being couped up for so long Ryan and I were starting to go a little crazy so I sure am glad I'm feeling better. It stinks being sick in our world!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Round 4 - Wisconsin

We made it...we survived 29 weeks and 4 days without a home to call our own. We almost had to go one more day too because Lily ended up coming down with a high fever the night before. She's a fighter though so we decided to make the journey anyway, and boy are we glad we did, although we weren't much help when we got there. Lily laid around a lot and just supervised the movers. I figured out how to get Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to play on Mommy's computer, and that kept me busy most of the afternoon. We watched so many episodes that even Gigi went to bed singing the hot dog song. Once Lily felt up to it she joined in on the show and she even figured out how to open the shutters so she could keep on eye on things outside. It was great seeing all of our stuff again. Of course I jumped on the couches to make sure they were in okay shape, and we tested out most of our toys we hadn't seen in over a week. It is amazing that no matter where we go our toys seem to end up in the same place. We even got our own rooms in this house to store them in. I'll definitely miss sleeping in the same room as Lily every night, but having my own space is kind of cool. Mom and Dad told us that hopefully we won't have to move again until we decide to move out on our own. Why we would ever want to do that, I'm not sure?!? We're loving Wisconsin in our world!